Antoine has first spent 7 years in television report industry. As he went on the field, he started to feel frustrated to not be able to help people in another way than talking about them through a report. He understood all the benefits we can take from acupuncture through a treatment he got after having moved to Cambodia. Then, after a careful reflection on his professional and personal path, he decided to learn acupuncture in order to help others in a way he believes wise and healthy.
Antoine has studied at the National Hospital and Institute of Acupuncture in Hanoi, Vietnam where the Professor Nguyên Tài Thu and the other doctors provided him a strong and intense training, whether theoretical and practical with adults and children patient. Everyday, about a hundred patients come to the hospital with different disorders: from tennis elbow to hemiplegia, from recurring headache to Parkinson’s disease, from insomnia to depression. Antoine has stayed and studied at the hospital until he obtained his certificate with distinction and he still goes back to the hospital several times a year to broaden his knowledge and experience.
Mobile: +855 95 767 010